PUB landlord Jimmy Hughes fears a traffic safety scheme will only make things dangerous for his customers.

He says the scheme, with traffic islands and a mini roundabout, will prove hazardous to people entering and leaving Uncle Jacks in Branch Road, Lower Darwen.

He said: "Part of the pub forecourt makes up one of the new traffic islands. It is the only place customers have to park and is the place taxis drop and pick people up.

"Now cars will have to negotiate the obstacles then come right outside the door or park on the road, causing further problems on the busy road.

"It is dangerous. Not only is it going to affect trade, it could result in an accident, especially late at night in the dark." Plans for the scheme have been in existence for several years because of accidents in the area.

Mr Hughes got the backing of his brewery, Scottish and Newcastle, who objected to the scheme when it was first announced.

He added: "We agreed that a roundabout was needed, but the council has gone ahead with its plans regardless of our concern about the traffic island.

"Some sort of action needs to be taken before it's too late."

A spokesman for Blackburn with Darwen Council defended the decision to introduce traffic calming measures in Lower Darwen.

He said: "There have been 15 injury accidents in Branch Road in the last five years.

"A full consultation process was carried out with police, residents and ward councillors and nobody objected, apart from the brewery.

"The island which borders the pub forecourt features a warning sign about the mini roundabout. It has to be there to comply with health and safety regulations.

"We do not believe it unduly interferes with parking at the public house."

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