A MUM and her three children narrowly escaped death in a blaze at their Clitheroe home.

Sandra Renwick of Tower Hill was taken to Blackburn Royal Infirmary suffering from shock and smoke inhalation after she fought through smoke to rescue her children.

The fire broke out shortly after 10.30am when sons Stefan, 5, and Kallam, 3, set light to paper in a bedroom with a cigarette lighter.

Firefighter Ronnie Eatough said: "When we arrived Mrs Renwick had managed to get the children out, but she was overcome by smoke. These children are lucky to be alive."

Sandra, who is staying with neighbours with her sons and baby daughter Bethannie said: "I was in the dining room and could smell smoke. I went upstairs and opened the bedroom door and the fire just whooshed out. There was thick, black smoke everywhere." I put a blanket over my face and go the kids out of the house. I was choking."

Sandra then went back into the house to open windows while the emergency services were alerted. "It was a foolish thing to do, I now realise, as I was nearly overcome by smoke. Thankfully the fire brigade arrived. I was taken to hospital suffering from shock and the effects of smoke inhalation. I'm now giving up smoking and getting rid of matches and lighters. I still haven't got my head around it all. Thank God my kids are safe. It could have been a disaster," she said.

Ronnie Eatough added: "These children are lucky to be alive." The bedrooms were severely damaged by fire and the roof of the property was burned through. How many times do we have to tell children not to play with matches? It is very dangerous."

* Clitheroe fire fighters are holding a fire safety event in Clitheroe town centre tomorrow from 2pm and everyone is welcome.

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