A REVOLUTION in the way health services are planned and delivered across East Lancashire was launched today.

Six primary care groups (PCGs) officially began operating across the district. They have been created as a result of the Government White Paper 'The New NHS - Modern Dependable,' which was published in 1997 and outlined ways in which the NHS would work.

The PCGs, which are formal sub-committees of East Lancashire Health Authority, will pinpoint and plan the health needs of their local populations.

The six groups are in Blackburn with Darwen, Burnley, Hyndburn, Pendle, Ribble Valley and Rossendale.

Each PCG consists of local GPs, nurses, one health authority non-executive director, a representative from the local community, a member of social services and each has its own chief executive.

They will target the main health problems in their areas in a bid to improve services.

David Peat, chief executive of East Lancashire Health Authority, said: "The responsibilities of PCGs will be multi-faceted.

"Their main aims will be to work closely with the health authority to plan the needs of and improve the overall quality of local services of their own specific population.

"I welcome this as an opportunity for allowing local communities a greater involvement in their own health care."

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