A TERRIFIED family accused of harbouring a paedophile today said they were too scared to leave their home.

Businessman Chris Taylor, of Cotton Tree Lane, Colne, spoke out after a backlash in the community left his family petrified.

Leaflets with the heading 'Paedophile Warning' and including the family's name and address have been posted through hundreds of letterboxes in Colne and Trawden and on Friday a brick was thrown at their house.

Police were called and officers stepped up activity in the area during the weekend.

Mr Taylor lives at the house with his family, including wife, Jean, two grandchildren aged nine and one and his son's wife, Karen, who is due to give birth any day.

He said: "We have had people terrorising us and my wife is absolutely distraught. I'm frightened for Jean and that someone will wreck this house. I'd like to take Jean away but we can't leave."

Mr Taylor said a man had been staying with the family after being released from prison in January, but had now left the house. He said: "He was an old friend who asked me if he could stay when he came out of prison and I wanted to help give him a new start.

"But I asked him to leave. I can understand why people are annoyed."

Mr Taylor, who has lived in the neighbourhood for more than 30 years, said his business premises at nearby Redscar Works have also been targeted by someone who pasted leaflets over the building.

Inspector Paul Robinson, of Burnley Police, said: "Between 9.40am and 11am on Good Friday we received several calls from concerned members of the public in the Cotton Tree Lane area of Colne, ringing with concerns about leaflets that have been pushed through letters boxes there and throughout Trawden.

"The person named in the leaflet is no longer residing in Cotton Tree Lane, but officers have been in the area trying to reassure people as well as alleviating any concerns they might have.

"We are concerned that people may direct abuse towards Mr and Mrs Taylor in their own house."

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