THE NORTH West's new Regional Development Association has been launched by Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott who said it would be a major boost to the local economy.

Flanked by Chancellor Gordon Brown and Regional and Regeneration Minister Richard Cable, he promised he would help the North West compete in Europe and the global market place.

RDA Chairman Lord Thomas of Macclesfield and chief executive Mike Shields, who will operate out of offices in Warrington, were in London as the ministers launched the eight new bodies for the English regions.

Mr Prescott said that for too long the English regions' overall economic performance had lagged behind that of their European counterparts.

He said: "By bringing together economic, social and environmental issues, RDAs will play a vital role in planning for sustainable economic growth in their regions, increasing prosperity generating wealth and improving people's quality of life."

Mr Cable said: "Decisions affecting the regions will now be exercised closer to local people

"RDA strategies will help bring real coherence to the work of regional economic partners and a much needed strategic vision for each English region."

The RDAs have been welcomed by the bosses' organisation the CBI, the Trade Union Congress, the local government association and by Chambers of Commerce.

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