WE know that the Red Lion Hotel puzzle pub in an old photograph featured in the newspaper on March 22 was run by "A. Gilleade from Blackburn" - because it said so on the side wall.

But Ribchester reader Judith Ball comes up with a clue that strongly suggests he was the man she found listed in the 1891 Blackburn and District issue of Barrett's Directory - that priceless source for local history researchers. For one Albert Gilleade was then living at 30 Gibraltar Street, Blackburn, and his stated occupation as a wine lodge manager would tie in with a move to a pub.

According to my 1900 edition of Barrett's, Albert had left town by then.

But to where? Let me know if you know where his "Red Lion" was.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.