CRICHTON: Little to do for the Clarets keeper who dealt comfortably with a handful of crosses after one early scare...6

PICKERING: Another top-class performance from Pickering who suits a wing-back role and passed the ball beautifully...9

COWAN: Also benefitted from the chance to get forward with a couple of perfect crosses and far post headers posing a first-half threat...7

MELLON: One of the midfield man's best performances yet as he revelled in Burnley's attacking football...7

DAVIS: Continued his consistent run of form with another solid showing...8

BRASS: Had his hands full with Lua Lua but emerged with honours even before a clash of heads ended his game at half-time...7 PAYTON: Came up with the goods when Burnley needed it most to confirm his value to the team and take himself to 20 goals for the season...9

JOHNROSE: Made his most major contribution to date, his aggression and ability to arrive late in the box earned him a goal and were telling factors for the Clarets...8


BRANCH: Excellent second-half showing should have done his confidence the world of good...8

JEPSON: A classy cameo role from the big striker who created the crucial second goal...7

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.