AN amazing 79ft 7in was the distance thrown by champion clog cobber Paul Tattersall, of Waterfoot.

Paul was one of many people who joined in the fun at the Roebuck, Scoutbottom, when new landlord Earle Law carried on the tradition of clog throwing at the pub.

The winning woman was Diane Mason, of Waterfoot, who threw her clog 58ft 11in.

And keeping it in the family, her son Michael, 10, scooped the boys' prize with a throw of 41ft 4in.

The real winner was charity with £500 raised for the Rossendale branch of the Multiple Sclerosis Society and £300 for Rossendale Hospice.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.