A BRAVE Muslim elder is joining forces with Christian churches to make a mercy mission to Albania to help Kosovan refugees.

Musa Haldarvi is a war zone veteran after making 12 trips to Bosnia during the crisis there six years ago.

Now he and friends from mosques and churches across East Lancashire are planning their first journey to the Albanian border where thousands of refugees are heading everyday after fleeing their homes in Kosovo.

Musa is appealing for donations of money to help his team buy food and other supplies in bulk to take with them.

Musa said: "We are hoping to go next weekend and local businesses have already offered to lend us vans and trucks. Hopefully we will be able to get a convoy to trucks full of aid to make the journey to Albania."

Musa, 44, of Blackburn Street, Blackburn, has not been put off by his experiences in Bosnia where he risked life and limb to get past checkpoints where soldiers were convinced he was a Muslim fundamentalist.

He said: "After going to Bosnia so many times I decided that we had to try to help the people of Kosovo. They need food, clothes and shelter. Hopefully, the donations from the people of East Lancashire will do something to help their plight."

If anybody wants to donate money to Musa's mercy mission call him on 01254 679160.

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