REGARDING Mr Whiteoak's letter 'Motoring free for disabled' (Letters, March 26), disabled drivers do not "get free cars every three years," they hire them.

Motability cars are leased on the Motability contract hire scheme and paid for by the disabled person out of their disability living allowance.

The insurance policy covers every vehicle in the Motability fleet, the same way most car and van hire firms insure their fleets and therefore is paid for by the disabled person again.

Cars leased on the Motability contract hire scheme are exempt from vehicle excise duty in the same way that senior citizens are exempt from paying prescription charges.

If Mr Whiteoak thinks this is wrong, I suggest he write to his MP and see what response he gets. I would also suggest that in future he at least gets his facts straight before putting pen to paper.

N HEATLIE JACKSON (parent of a disabled child), Quaker Lane, Darwen.

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