IN response to the remarks of Mrs Linda Green (Letters, February 4 and March 9), regarding animal charities, Pets in Need is a small local charity, run solely by unpaid volunteers.

Unlike the RSPCA, we do not have kennels in which we house animals until they are rehomed. We rely on people who offer interim foster homes.

We help wherever and whenever we can when an animal is in need and, believe me, this is often an uphill struggle. Many hours are spent trying to find places for animals until a permanent home can be found.

We do liaise with other organisations and do pass on details of other charities who may be able to help. We raise our own funds, 100 per cent of which are spent on the animals.

We do not have a Pets in Need listing in the telephone directory as we use our private numbers (at our own expense). All the vets in Darwen and Blackburn have our number, as does the Lancashire Evening Telegraph, where we regularly feature cats and dogs in Saturday's Animal Aid section.

JENNIFER WALL - Pets in Need

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