AS a member of Brierfield Town Council, I must reply on behalf of the council to your article on the council shop (March 23).

Councillor Karim says people don't know what we are proposing for Brierfield. That is why there is so much opposition to Liberal proposals, or lack of them. To say that details are forthcoming is a bit off. I think that by the intemperate attacks he puts the cart before the horse.

Councillor Buck implies that because councillors were returned unopposed in 1995 that it somehow doubts our legitimacy.

Maybe it is because the people of Brierfield know that we are doing a good job and have confidence in our ability to represent them. Six of the 13 councillors were voted on to the council in 1992 and a seventh has just resigned.

I resent the implication by Councillor Davies that the town council, because they are opposed to the council shop, are part of the Conservative/Labour alliance.

Brierfield Town Council is totally non-political. Of course we have political views, but I defy anyone to come to one of our meetings and detect our political sympathies. When the original proposal for a shop was first mooted the old NatWest Bank was considered. Are our two councillors aware that it is up for sale again -"trying to bring life back into Brierfield" - says Councillor Karim.

There are enough empty shops in and around the centre of Brierfield without vindictively depriving the senior citizens of their town hall facilities.

I know that you are not vindictive people, far from it. But I'm afraid that is the perception of local people, given that you don't appear to have any alternatives.

I agree that Barnoldswick has been a success, but to compare Brierfield with Barnoldswick is ludicrous, for a start Barnoldswick is, what, eight miles from Nelson Town Hall? Brierfield is two miles with a much more frequent bus service.

I thought the Liberals' strong point was that they were a listening party, giving the people proposals, talking to them, making a decision after the views of local people had been heard.

FRANK CHADWICK, Brierfield Town Council.

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