A MAN in custody ran away as he was being led from a police van into Blackburn police station.

But Anthony Braysford's bid for freedom was short-lived as he was captured on the multi-storey car park 20 minutes later.

Braysford, 22, of Rowan Avenue, Oswaldtwistle, was fined £60 with £54 costs by Blackburn magistrates after pleading guilty to obstructing a police officer. A charge of escaping from lawful custody was withdrawn by the prosecution.

Richard Mitcalf, prosecuting, said Braysford had been arrested at 1am and taken to Blackburn police station. As he was being transferred from a van to the station he pushed past an officer and escaped.

Paul Schofield, defending, said Braysford originated from Oswaldtwistle but had been living in Darwen with his girlfriend. They had a heated argument and Braysford was arrested when she called the police.

"That relationship is now over and he is returning to his father's address in Oswaldtwistle," said Mr Schofield.

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