THE father of a young man left brain damaged after a childhood accident has thanked the Lancashire Evening Telegraph for helping his family find a new home.

Leslie Swain, of Granville Street, West Hull, was looking for a three-bedroom house in Ribble Valley, while his 19-year-old son, Karl, received treatment at the Kemple View unit in Langho.

Karl fell through a factory roof when he was nine years old and sustained permanent brain damage after being in a coma for three weeks.

Since then, the Swains have been involved in legal action against the authorities to obtain residential care for their son, who suffers loss of memory and concentration, as well as violent and aggressive behaviour.

They won their action in the High Court and Karl has now been moved to Kemple View, which is situated in the plush Rhyddings housing estate, off Longsight Road.

Mr Swain, who is the full-time carer of his disabled wife, Rita, contacted the Lancashire Evening Telegraph for help in looking for a family home.

"We wanted to live near Karl, so that we could see him regularly. It would have broken our hearts if we couldn't have visited him.

"Now we have been offered a home in Great Harwood. We should be moving within a fortnight and are looking forward to it.

"We just want to be near Karl as quickly as possible. Thanks for your help," he said.

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