A SHELTER for the homeless looks set to get permission to refurbish its premises and create seven new flats for needy young people.

Hyndburn Christian Stable, in Russia Street, Accrington, is set to get rid of two large dormitories on its ground floor and build four flats for the homeless.

Three new flats will be created on a new first floor. Each one-bedroom flat will have its own kitchen and bathroom.

At present washing and cooking facilities are shared. Emergency shelter accommodation will be refurbished and separated from the community hall on site.

Homeless people aged between 16 and 25 will use the flats, where they will be allowed to stay for up to a year.

The centre's office and toilets will be moved and a laundry area will be created. Windows and doors will be moved to create new entrances.

The Christian Stable was first granted permission to house homeless people on the site in 1993. The organisation takes in people referred by the Department of Social Security, housing associations, social services and Hyndburn Council's housing department.

The refurbishment of the building, formerly a church school, is a joint venture between the Stable Management Committee and St Vincent's Housing Association, which has applied for grant money to fund the scheme.

The plans were approved by Hyndburn development services committee on condition no objections are received.

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