A SIX-YEAR-OLD boy was undergoing emergency surgery in hospital today after colliding with a car and being dragged underneath the vehicle.

Robert West suffered serious head injuries in the accident in Manchester Road, Haslingden, near the junction with Bank Mill Street at 5.50pm yesterday.

Members of the Lancashire police accident investigation team, who closed part of the road off while they carried out tests, believe Robert, of Manchester Road, stepped out from behind a parked car into the path of a Ford Granada Scorpio estate being driven by 45-year-old Richard Lambert, of Main Way, Middleton. He was unhurt. Customers from the nearby 'Little' Crown Inn pub ran out to help and lifted the car off the boy.

He was treated at the scene by an on-call doctor before being taken to Bury General Hospital.

A police spokesman said: "The boy stepped into the path of an oncoming car and was dragged under the vehicle for a short distance.

"Customers from the pub heard the crash and ran out to find him underneath the car.

"He had a large swelling to his head. Speed was not a factor here."

Robert was undergoing surgery at the hospital today where his condition was described as stable.

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