I WOULD like to congratulate the council on the way they keep the area around the town hall, Kay Gardens and the shopping precinct so clean and tidy.

Also, I am impressed by the new fish market and the improvements to the market in general. It must look really nice when we have important visitors to the town.

So what I would like to suggest, the next time we have these important visitors, is that they take them to see an area not far from the town hall, the Mosses, where they can see dumped rubbish, dumped vehicles, litter, poor roads and terrible pavements.

They can be shown back streets where grass and weeds grow on the pavement and between the cobbles (yes, we are nearing the new millennium and we still have cobbles!). People use the back streets as a dog's toilet.

I suppose in a way we can understand people using the area as the "town tip" because that is what it now resembles.

A neighbour of mine had Councillor Connie Fitzgerald round and she promised to see what could be done. But with Bury Council, when you are waiting for something you don't hold you breath - not unless you live near the town hall, that is!


Spring Street,


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