CRICHTON: You can't fault the keeper's shot stopping and a couple of second-half saves were crucial. Never looked as happy with the ball at his feet though...7

WEST: Solid if not spectacular, although the one time he did get forward he was unlucky not to score late on...6

COWAN: More like the way he finished last season and a useful aerial threat again...7

MELLON: Not as influential as in mid-week but provided a couple of sparks from midfield...6

DAVIS: Dominant in the air before injury curtailed his afternoon...6

THOMAS: Sound home debut from the experienced defender who won more than his fair share of headers and a couple of vital tackles...7

ARMSTRONG: Under fire for a couple of early wayward passes but produced a pin-point ball for the second goal and tidied up well...6

COOK: His most influential game of the season so far and a vital cog, although a couple of mis-placed passes when the heat was on were out of character...6 JOHNROSE: Did well in the ball-winning role and also showed some useful creative touches, capping his performance with a well-taken goal...7


JEPSON: Doesn't look out of place wherever he's asked to play. Given the slip a couple of times in the second half but overall a steadying hand at the back...7

COOKE: Added a bit of bite up front, although should have scored to kill the game off...6

LITTLE: Came on in a free role and caused Chesterfield one or two fresh problems...6

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.