A KNOWN sex offender is set to be banned from associating with young people and going near children's playgrounds in a bid to prevent him from committing more crimes.

The restrictions will be enforced if Lancashire police are successful with their first application for a Sex Offender Order under new powers introduced by Home Secretary and Blackburn MP Jack Straw.

The application, involving a man who lives in Blackburn, will be the first of its kind in the county.

Lancashire Police and the probation service have confirmed that they will apply to Blackburn Magistrates Court later this week to have restrictions introduced to control the activities of the man, who is on the Sex Offenders' Register.

The Sex Offender Order, if successful, will impose bail-type restrictions on the man and will limit his movements.

If the application is granted by the court, police will have the power to arrest the man if he breaches the order.

The new Sex Offender Order was introduced as part of Home Secretary Jack Straw's Crime and Disorder Act which gives police wide ranging new powers.

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