MAY I, on behalf of Sheena O'Donohue, our chairman for 1999, and her committee thank you for the coverage (LET, August 2) of the Brierfield and Reedley Gala and give a very big thank you to all those who supported it by taking part in the parade or on the field, by sponsorship or just by watching and donating to charity buckets.

Without this support, the gala would not be possible.

Coun Alan Buck's statement regarding the raising of £2,000 by the gala for local charities may be a little misleading. It is possible that a number of charities overall may have raised this amount by their own efforts, using the gala as a vehicle to promote their own charities.

The gala itself just about kept in the black. With accounts still to settle, this should amount to approximately £100.

GERARD NEWSHAM (treasurer), Montrose Street, Brierfield, Nelson.

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