REGARDING the market traders going metric (LET, August 6), when I was in business for over 40 years selling timber and sheet material to the trade and DIY enthusiasts, on my rulers, which had to be stamped by the local authority, there were 12 inches to the foot and 36 inches to the yard.

It seems strange that Gail Whittaker, who has a stall selling curtain wire and fabrics, apparently has a ruler that measures only 35 inches to the yard.

A misprint? No - she goes on to say that customers who only want a yard will have to cut off four inches from the metre (or 39 inches) they will have to buy. With my ruler it would only be three inches.

I suggest Chris Allen of the Trading Standards Office, if he has read this article, slips round to Gail Whittaker and makes sure she is not giving short measure. I also give low marks to Shelley Wright, the reporter, for not making the mistake right before going to press.

RON O'KEEFE, East Park Road, Blackburn.

Footnote: Yes, Shelley should have realised that it is 36 inches that make a yard -but she was never taught it in school. Unfortunately, we older editors missed the clanger. Sorry - Editor.

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