WHEN Victor Stanworth decided to retire and sell his engineering business he found his buyer in the form of his daughter and two employees.

Lorraine Stanworth has worked for her father's firm S W Controls, in Ashley Street, Stoneyholme, Burnley, for 15 years as company secretary.

She said: "Mr father is 66 now and he wanted to retire and sell the business so Michael Tiddy and Philip Lord and I put together a package and now we are all directors.

"All the customers we had before remained with us and we are trying to pick up new customers."

The company, which repairs and rewinds electrical motors, has changed its name to S W Electrical Repairs and has already improved its machine shop so repairs can be carried out on site instead of having to send parts away to other businesses.

An extra member of staff will be taken on soon, increasing the number of workers to six.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.