A CENTRE of excellence for information technology training in Blackburn was officially opened by Home Secretary Jack Straw.

The Blackburn MP then toured the Saturn Centre, which is one of 40 government-funded centres nationwide, with other guests on Friday.

A spokesman for Blackburn's regeneration department said: "This prestigious centre will inevitably encourage other schemes to invest in and revitalise the area.

"It caters for both the training needs of companies and also creates a modern and hi-tech environment for the companies based there."

The Greenbank Business Park centre, built by Maple Grove Developments, will house Blackburn College's advanced training centre for companies and individuals.

The Department for Education and Employment has given Blackburn College a £700,000 grant to install specialist equipment at the Saturn Centre, including a rolling road and engine diagnostic technology used to test cars and other machinery.

Several units for small companies have already been let to businesses, who will be able to use the support services and equipment on site.

A spokesman for the regeneration department said several companies were already interested in the rest of the units and the project was expected to be as successful as the now fully-occupied Blackburn Technology Management Centre, Greenbank Business Park.

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