A BUSINESSWOMAN accused of performing sex acts with a fellow passenger during a flight from Dallas to Manchester was today keeping a low profile.

Car sales manager Amanda Holt, 37, of Moorside Crescent, Bacup, right, and company director David Machin, 40, of Woodland Road, Wakefield, were arrested as they left the club class cabin of the American Airlines flight AA 110.

Officers met the Boeing 757, which had more than 200 passengers on board, and the couple, who are both married, were taken to Manchester Airport's police station where they were put in separate cells for about six hours after the incident, which happened on Saturday morning. Police said the pilot radioed ahead with complaints of "lewd and drunken behaviour."

The couple, who were strangers when they boarded the ten-hour flight, allegedly became intimate after free drink in the club class section during the £4,000 return flight.

They were reported to have huddled under an airline blanket before Mrs Holt allegedly stripped down to her underwear and performed a sex act on her companion. After being released by police, Mr Machin, a father-of-three, said: "My wife knows nothing about this.

"I do not want to talk about it in front of the wife and children."

Mrs Holt, who married her husband Steven, 43, in October 1993, was seen to arrive home last night but has not answered the door or telephone to waiting reporters and photographers.

The couple are believed to have lived at the house in the quiet, upmarket estate since they were married.

The curtains and blinds were drawn. Mr Holt left the house early today to buy papers from a local shop but refused to comment.

The couple next door have been supporting their neighbours but were unavailable for comment. Mr Holt's Vauxhall Astra was still parked in the drive of the house.

Neighbours said that they were amazed at reports of Mrs Holt's involvement in the incident.

A spokesman for Greater Manchester police said: "A man and a woman have been charged with an act outraging public decency, being drunk on board an aircraft and abusive behaviour."

They were bailed to appear before Manchester magistrates on November 1.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.