IT seems there are suggestions, if not plans, for the motorway service stations to bring down the price of food, etc served in the restaurants. This is a move well overdue.

Many motorists are not prepared to pay what seem to them exorbitant prices, so they just pull in, park, eat their own food and make use of the toilets.

This obviously does not go down well with the service stations, but by charging dear prices, they have shot themselves in the foot.

But now another idea has been put forward - that of charging less for food, but levying a parking fee and/or making people pay for using the toilets.

This will collect money off nearly all people using the facilities or pulling in for a break.

They don't miss a trick to rake in the money. They dominate the arterial networks and drivers have little choice but to make use of the service stations.

Let's have what they were intended to provide - decent service to the public at a decent price.

K SOWERBUTTS, Southwood Drive, Baxenden.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.