CRICHTON: A quiet afternoon in the shot-stopping department but played his part with some assured handling...7

WEST: Solid defensively but his distribution occasionally let him down...6

SMITH: Played his part in another clean sheet and drilled a couple of sensational cross-field passes in the first half...7

DAVIS: Cool as ever at the back and his stunning solo run in the first half led to Cook's opening goal...8

THOMAS: A man mountain at the heart of the Burnley defence with some telling interventions...7

LITTLE: Not quite at his marauding best but served up a couple of dangerous crosses from the right...7

MULLIN: Worked tirelessly for the team and was always willing to join the attack...7

COOK: Scored a sensational goal and pulled all the strings from the centre of the park. Seems to get better with every game...8

COOKE: Still not quite fully fit but capped another all-action display with a fine goal...7

PAYTON: A welcome return after illness and his movement proved a real handful...7

JOHNROSE: Another who worked tirelessly, providing defensive cover for Smith to get forward...7


BRANCH: Made a few telling touches late on.

JEPSON: Provided that bit of steel in the closing stages.

MELLON: Stiffened up the midfield at the death.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.