A POSTMAN failed a breathalyser test after crashing into a parked car on his way to work.

Blackburn magistrates heard that Anthony John Windle, a part-time lance corporal in the Territorial Army, never stopped to think about the beer he had drunk the previous night.

Windle, 28, of Oban Drive, Blackburn, admitted driving with excess alcohol. He was fined £120 with £55 costs and disqualified from driving for 12 months.

The court heard that he gave a reading of 101 in blood against the legal limit of 80.

Basharat Ditta, defending, said Windle was a man of impeccable character who had never been in any kind of trouble before and produced a reference from his sergeant in the TA. Mr Ditta said Windle wend out at 9pm and drank seven or eight pints of lager, returning home at 1am. His shift the next day was due to start at 5am and he jumped into his car without thinking.

Mr Ditta said that it was icy and Windle collided with a stationary vehicle. He carried on to work and reported the accident to the police who routinely breathalysed him.

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