A JAPANESE puzzle has baffled a local historian and left a hole in her village chronicle.

Margaret Cartwright is trying to find out anything about Ikutaro Suci - a Japanese man who died aged 30 in 1905 and was buried at Hurst Green.

His grave, marked with an obelisk, was "discovered" anew in 1981 when a survey was undertaken on the graveyard at St John's CE Church, but the man's history is still a mystery.

The inscription reads: "In memory of Ikutaro Suci, a Japanese subject, sixth class order of the rising sun. First assistant commissioner of the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs. Died October 30, 1905, aged 30 years."

Mrs Cartwright believes he died of consumption, but has no idea what was his connection with Hurst Green or why he was buried there.

"It's very unusual," she said. "All I know is that he was Japanese, but that he worked for the Chinese Customs. I could really do with an address, so that I could write to them."

Last year Mrs Cartwright wrote to the Chinese Embassy but she was told that the man's surname was very common and that a search would take too long.

Since May last year, she has been compiling a history of the area, entitled Chronicle 2000, to mark the new millennium.

Anyone who can help can ring Mrs Cartwright on 01254 826645.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.