JUVENILE nuisance, domestic violence, burglary and car crime will be among the issues discussed at a police and community forum.

Inspector Bob Ford, of Great Harwood Police, will be raising these issues at the next Hyndburn and Community Forum which will start at 7.30pm on January 13 at Norden High School, Stourton Street, Rishton.

Rishton was identified as one of the hotspots particularly for juvenile nuisance and domestic violence during the recent crime and disorder act audit for Hyndburn.

A multi-agency steering group has been established in the town which will report back to a larger Hyndburn group.

Mr Ford said: "One of the major issues in Rishton is the lack of facilities for youngsters. They have nothing to do and are often on the streets.

"Studies have shown they want a non-supervised place which they have ownership of and we are looking at getting places set up for the youth.

"On the issue of domestic violence, moves are afoot to establish a surgery under the steering group, together with a police surgery in Rishton.

"We are also having trouble with burglaries from garages, where the only things stolen are mountain bikes. There is also the problem of stealing from vehicles.

"We currently have a support unit targeting crimes in Rishton following garage burglaries."

Altham parish councillor Rennie Pinder, is encouraging people to take part in the police and community forums.

He said: "There was a bad turn-out during the last forum in Baxenden. They are held for the benefit of the public and we want to make sure the general public get the benefit."

Also up for discussion will be the introduction of a pilot lay visitors' scheme for the welfare of police animals. The pilot scheme was introduced at the request of Chief Constable of Lancashire Police Pauline Clare, and will look at conditions under which both police dogs and horses are housed, trained and transported.

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