THE cost of housing asylum seekers from abroad will not be paid for from town hall coffers, Blackburn with Darwen Council has assured council taxpayers.

Five families and 18 single people are housed in the borough while the government decides on their applications for asylum to stay in Britain

The asylum seekers arrived from Kent and London as part of a government plan to take the strain off councils in those areas.

Three families and 11 of the single people are in the borough as part of the government's dispersal scheme while two families and seven people arrived in Blackburn and Darwen after having made their own way here.

Assistant director of housing Gwyneth Sarkar said: "We have been assured by the government that we will not face an unmanageable burden as a result of accommodating people seeking asylum and arrangements for funding this have been put in place by the government. "The asylum seekers are being accommodated in a number of different places including council properties and private sector accommodation.

"It is not our intention to betray the right these people have to confidentiality by broadcasting their whereabouts.

"The council is working in partnership with health care providers and the police on this issue to ensure a co-ordinated and supportive approach.

"We may be asked to accommodate asylum seekers in up to five properties a month in the next financial year. All costs met will be met by the Home Office and not the council taxpayer."

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