SUB post masters from across the district travelled to London to protest against the Government's post office plans this week.

The sub post masters are worried that more post offices will be forced to close following the Government's announcement that it intends to pay pensions and benefits directly into bank accounts by 2003.

They fear the move will reduce their trade by up to 50 per cent which will force them to close.

Colin France of Torrisholme Post office explained: "The Government haven't thought it through. Banks are closing lots of their smaller branches and if the post offices go as well it will cause a lot of problems for a lot of people. What about the three million people who can't get bank accounts? What allowances are being made for them? Pensioners and people on benefits like to have cash in their hands every week and they have said they support us." On Wednesday local sub post masters joined a 2,000 strong demonstration outside Westminster during Prime Minister's Question Time

They have also lobbied both local MPs who have said they too want to ensure local branches are kept open.

Hilton Dawson said: "Post offices have closed at a rate of 200 per year four the last 20 years so it is no wonder that people are extremely anxious about new technology and new systems which in themselves could mean a 40 per cent reduction in the numbers of people visiting Post Offices to collect benefits and welfare payments."

He added: "We must use the opportunity that new technology brings to develop the role sub post offices in both urban and rural communities.

"They provide an excellent service and while I think there is some anxiety at the moment I think they have a very bright future."