BNFL Springfields is one of the first companies in the country to benefit from a government-funded scheme aimed at developing partnerships between employers and unions.

Springfields will receive the maximum £50,000 grant, to be matched by BNFL, to provide training for managers and union officials.

The anouncement was made by Trade and Industry Secretary Stephen Byers, who pledged £5 million over the next four years for the scheme.

Springfields' successful bid was an example of partnership -- the bid was a joint submission by managers and employee representatives.

The funding will be used to provide behavioural skills training and a programme of understanding change at Springfields.

Dick Anyon, convenor for the Amalgamated Electrical and Engineering Union, added: "The Trade Unions at Springfields have found that working in partnership with the company has produced many benefits.

"Over the years we have managed to improve our efficiency, vastly improve safety performance and expand our apprentice training services externally."