POSTAL voting papers will be hand delivered to residents in Bedford Astley ward next week.

And they are warned not to throw away the distinctive envelope with the junk mail.

This change from the usual method of voting in the local government elections comes about as a result of an experimental government and council initiative to find out what different methods of voting might increase the present very low levels of turnout.

In the last elections in Wigan the percentage of people voting was a mere 18 per cent, whereas 57 per cent of those entitled to a postal vote returned their ballot papers.

Chairman of the electoral task group, Cllr Tom Sherratt, said: "If this experiment is to mean anything voters who are being given the chance to vote postally rather than turn out on the day, must be willing to take part.

"They could of course influence the course of political history. If a significantly larger number of people do return their votes the system could end up being adopted nationally.

"Please watch out for the envelope. Don't leave it lying about to get lost, but mark it with your cross and pop it in the free post. "Down the ages people have literally laid down their lives for a privilege that here in Britain we tend to take for granted."