FANCY yourself as the next Martha Lane Fox? Channel Four could help.

The television company is looking for applications from people who have a great idea for a net-based business, but no cash to put it into action.

The best will be featured on a new television programme, provisionally titled the E-Millionaire Show.

The most promising business will win £1million, with another £1million being shared between the best runners-up.

That could be enough to set you on your way to earning many e-millions more -- just like Martha Lane Fox, who hit the jackpot when she co-founded

The programme is due to start in July and will be presented by veteran broadcaster Jon Snow.

City management experts Andersen Consulting will sift through the applications. The £2million will be provided by two internet investment companies, Oxygen and Brightstation.

David Lloyd of Channel Four said: "The dot com rollercoaster is well under way and we want to give someone a chance to get on it. It's an opportunity for anyone with a great idea to win a significant amount of venture capital money."

The winner must use the money to set up their company and Channel Four cameras will follow the new venture to see if it succeeds or fails.

The venture capital companies will keep a stake in any of the fledgling firms they give money to.