A LOT of hypocritical rubbish is talked about people having laid down their lives for their country in the Second World War.

Let us be honest, many of those who died were conscripts and had little choice in the matter. If they had wanted to fight for their country they would have volunteered to do so.

Many of them were living lives of poverty and deprivation in 1939, were half starved and owed their country nothing.

They had to be got fit for the slaughter. They did not lay down their lives, they were sacrificed.

This was an "every man for himself" battle for survival.

It could be said that Winston Churchill had a comfortable war, not going short of his cigars and whisky etc.

If Britain had refrained from telling Germany what it could or could not do in Poland in 1939 some 50 million lives and untold suffering might have been spared.

War was not the answer. It is the answer of politicians of limited intellect and poor character.

Mr W Soley,
