A BUSINESSMAN with a factory in Radcliffe has joined the regional council of Business for Sterling, the campaign group against Britain joining the Euro.

Mr Raj Ruia is a director of the North West textiles group Ruia Holdings, which employs more than 270 people.

Apart from a presence in Radcliffe, the company also has factories and warehouses in Bolton, Crewe and Leicester.

Mr Ruia joins more than 25 other businessmen and women on the North West council of the non-political group.

It was formed to put the economic and business case for Britain remaining in the EU, but keeping the pound.

"We are the world's fourth largest economy and will be better off keeping the pound," said Mr Ruia, whose company manufactures and supplies textile products ranging from bed linen and towels to hosiery, socks and tights.

He added: "Britain is a trading nation and we need a stable currency, not the weak euro. Our pound has been far more steady against the other world currencies."