I'D like to thank all the staff at the Preston Citizen for the help and publicity they have given me over the past few years, especially the past month.

The article and photograph the Citizen ran about my acceptance into the Drama Studios in London was most appreciated, and seen by so many people.

A copy of it has pride of place on my work's notice board.

I did not think I could get any better coverage until I saw the review the Citizen ran about the play "Theft".

This was such a glowing tribute, not only to myself but to all involved.

I've been walking around as if I'm Bob Hoskins for the past week! It has given me such a boost.

So many people have commented on the article, which just goes to show how many people read the Citizen.

At the moment I am busy trying to raise funds for the course I am taking.

Unfortunately the Lancashire Education Authority has decided not to help me with a grant, so I'm pestering as many foundations and businesses as possible -- as well as the usual path of loans, loans and more loans.

All donations are gratefully accepted!

Once again, thank you for the Citizen's help, the newspaper has really promoted my profile in the Preston area and I will keep readers informed of my progress.

Dermot Canavan

Fulwood Hall Lane
