IT is obvious that we are approaching the time for a General Election with the main political parties vying with each other to win the 11 million votes that we pensioners hold.

Tory leader William Hague has insulted us with his recent statement on pensions which Jack Jones, president of the National Pensioners Convention, said was "robbing Peter to pay Paul" and that it was pensioners' own money "being transferred from one pocket to another". The Tories took away our link with earnings and that is what we want back. Mr Hague has a cheek trying to win our votes with a £5 "carrot". His proposal to increase basic state pension by recycling the £150 winter fuel payment, £10 Christmas bonus and the free TV licence is a conjuring trick of breathtaking cynicism.

This is obviously an attempt by the Tories to capitalise on the anger felt by pensioners over this year's 75p increase. And while we agree that the 75p is derisory, the Tory proposals are even worse in that they are trying to win an election on false promises.

When we are out campaigning for a better deal for pensioners we often get people saying that we will get nowhere with all our petitions and marches. Well now we have proof that all our hard work is paying off. Every news bulletin, every newspaper headline is about the fight by us for the pensioners.

So come and join us and strengthen our fight. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, June 7 at Bury Town Hall, 2pm. The subject under discussion is the threat to close our local post offices.

Bury Pensioners Association was founded in 1984 and its first campaign was based around the threat to close two local post offices. We saved one, in Dumers Lane, Radcliffe, so come along and help us to now save the rest.



Bury Pensioners
