I ENDORSE Julie Hartley's letter regarding the value of a caring, hard-working and conscientious councillor. Andrea Hughes met this description.

However, it is worth noting that it was only four years ago that she won against Barry Theckston, who equally merited that description. She has now lost, but that is politics and it isn't about personalities!

I believe that the newly-elected Yvonne Creswell will be seen to be equally caring, hard-working and conscientious. In fact she joined the fight against the new siting of the Elton telecommunications mast on her first day as a councillor. She will continue as a strong voice within this community, as both her predecessors undoubtedly would wish. A minor correction to Julie Hartley's letter. Andrea Hughes was invited into Elton High School, concerning the inadequate dining area, in her role as Cabinet member for Lifelong Learning (formerly she was chairman of the education committee) and not specifically as an Elton Ward councillor.

So, why do councillors like Barry Theckston and Andrea Hughes lose their seats? It certainly is not because of any lack of personal commitment! It is, regrettably, a reflection of the electors' perception of the national government.

Again this year, the Labour party chose to fight this local government election primarily quoting national issues. But the NHS, taxation, immigration, law and order, the national minimum wage etc, cannot be affected by those who control the town hall. Labour have controlled Bury for the last 14 years and have little to be proud about. Local issues were therefore of minor importance to them in this last election.

It is in a climate like this that individuals pay the political price. I am sure that Andrea will not disappear and perhaps, eventually, will find another ward, as Barry Theckston did in Ramsbottom.



Elton Ward.