A LATE-NIGHT rescue operation has helped save the lives of abandoned pet rabbits.

The four lop-eared bunnies had been stuffed in a beer box and placed in a black bin bag before being dumped in a field in Torrisholme.

Lancaster's Animal Care were called to rescue the rabbits from the field which is popular with dog walkers.

They had escaped from the bag and were taking shelter under hedgerows.

It took two and a half hours for Val Harwood and her son, Andrew, aged 12, to catch two of the rabbits with help from local people. One was a small baby grey with half an ear. The search continued through the night and the last rabbit was caught at 9.15am the following day.

An exhausted Val Harwood said: "I was in bed with a terrible cold but got up and went with my son to meet my mum and several neighbours. What a lovely, animal loving place Bare is. On arrival I saw the most beautiful but terrified black and white lop-eared rabbit sheltering in the hedgerow.

"Andrew then spotted several more and our mission had begun. I know that it was only a matter of time for us to catch them before one of the dogs that are exercised daily in that field did."

The small band of rescuers patiently tracked down the rabbits and had to use torches when it went dark.

Val added: "It was a nightmare. We were crouching in the hedge and were stung by nettles and scratched by thorns but we carried on until we got them to the safety of the van. One was a small baby grey and she was our priority and wouldn't stand a chance over night. Torches were requested and we carried on by torchlight until the small damaged baby was safe. Andrew proved to be a hero ignoring blisters and thorns and returning at the crack of dawn to catch the last bunny."

If you can offer a loving home for one of the rabbits call Animal Care on 65495.