FAN sites are the very core of the web, with the whole gamut of society from the fresh-faced and innocent to the truly deranged putting their hobbies, interests and psychotic paranoid delusions online for all the rest of us to enjoy. One of the very best fan sites, and not a very weird one, is dedicated to that bastion of British cinema, the Carry On films.

Carry Online is produced by a chap called Andy (whose on-line biog is one of the best bits of the site) and it is a real labour of love, the kind of love that sometimes ends up with injunctions. You can read all about the Carry Ons and their stars, check facts and even see who has won the Matron Awards for the most popular star, movie etc.

If you produce a fan site, or have a favourite of your own, please let me know. Any produced by teenagers with a limited grasp of the language their site is produced in and featuring transcripts of dreams involving their idols would be particularly welcome.