GENEROUS pupils at a Pendle high school raised almost £3,500 during this school year to help people in this country and across the world.

Their hard work was praised by their head teacher during the annual presentation night at Fisher More RC High School, Colne, yesterday.

Peter Donnelly said: "Part of our mission in school is to give pupils an opportunity to help those in the world who are in need and they have responded in a magnificent fashion."

More than 200 pupils took part in a 24-hour fast and among the charities to benefit from the £3,428 they raised in total during the year were the Mozambique disaster fund, Derian House children's hospice, Chorley, and Salford Rescue Society.

The school recently completed a £75,000 refurbishment of two laboratories and has received funding of £84,000 to improve disabled access.

Mr Donnelly said the Year 9 SATs results were outstanding, putting the school in the top five per cent of similar schools in the country.

"Remember the year for what you have given and for what has been given to you and be better people for the experience," he concluded.

Certificates in various subjects were presented by Peter Grimshaw, North West organiser of Catholic overseas development organisation CAFOD.

Picture: From the left are head girl Georgina Connor, head teacher Peter Donnelly, North West director of CAFOD and guest speaker Peter Grimshaw, chairman of governors David Carlisle and head boy Ian McGee

PRIZEWINNERS YEAR 7: Andrew Clapham, Sarah Bennett, Lewis Bradley, Sally Bradshaw, Victoria Brooks, Claire Bulcock, Helen Bury, Daniel Catlow, Kirsty Collier, Sarah Commons, Daniel Crossley, Jason Cruz, Katie Cruz, Tammy Dale, Kirsty Dewhurst, Jo Edmunds, Gregory Entwistle, Helen Fowler, Daniel Freyne.

Simon Gill, Daniel Goldsborough, Amy Greenall, Gillian Hardacre, Charlotte Hargreaves, David Harrison, James Haythornthwaite, Daniel Heap, Leigh Hetherington, Nicholas Humphrey, Gemma Jenkins, Daniel Jones, Sean Lacy, Benjamin Lindsay, Elysia Martinez, Georgina Masih, Sarah McLean, Kayleigh Murphy.

Adam O'Donnell, Adam O'Toole, Katherine Parker, Matthew Pye, Laura Rayson, Catherine Rowland, Holly Stinchon, Kate Walker, Donna Welch and Emma Wyndham.

YEAR 8: Andrew Ackroyd, Emily Adams, Anthony Beecroft, Lauren Berry, Martin Broderick, Lauren Brown, John Bury, Simon Cheung, Martin Cichocki, Benjamin Clark, James Clegg, Matthew Clough, Kimberley Collier, Louise Coogan, Simone Corrigan, Laura Cracknell, March Crowther, Mandy Cullen.

Graham Daley, Leanne Davies, Jennifer Duffy, Ayla Duggan, Natasha Emery, Jonathan Fenney, Matthew Gaukroger, Kaite Helps, Matthew Higgins, Jennifer Hillary, Zoe Hughes, Emily Jackson, Daniel Kelly, Laura Lucas, Tessa Magee, Nathan Maunders, Christian Oates, Helen O'Connell, Joe Ogden.

Philip Paul, Christine Pearce, Mairead Pearson, Michelle Reilly, Daniel Rhodes, James Rickwood, Ross Robinson, Ashley Smith, Rachel Smith, Elizabeth Standley, Matthew Thompson, Andrew Thornley, Hailey Wallwork, Maria Walsh and Scott Whittaker.

YEAR 9: Sophie Adams, Gregory Antemes, Sean Ashworth, Anna Bennett, Vicki Boult, Michael Bracewell, Samuel Chew, Sarah Chippendale, Steven Clark, Matthew Collins, Andrew Commons, David Crotty, Martin Cryer, Lisa Davies, John Emery, Patrick Farnell, Kate Franzke, Gerald Gibson.

Samantha Hall, Andrew Hardy, Daniel Hargadon, Victoria Hargreaves, Darren Heap, Savanna Howarth, Tara Hunt, Adam Ingham, Christopher Jones, Joseph Kelly, Chris Kubiszewski, Francesca Lee, Haley Lewin, Rebecca Linford, Mary Lonsdale, Colette Lyle, Lisa Macadam, Frances Matterson, Martin McCourt, Hailey McLoughlin, Sarah Motyka.

Katie Newman, Olivia Nolan, Bella Paul, Sarah Pearson, Liam Pinder, Claire Redman, Edard Rycroft, Laura Schofield, Danielle Simpson, Katy Stansfield, Emma Thompson, Rebecca Waine, Jenna Waterhouse, Daniel Whitaker, Jennifer Whittle, Anna Wilkinson and Luana Woodcock.

YEAR 10: Christopher Batley, Jemma Birtwell, Ellen Brindle, Luke Butler, Lisa Calvert, Gina Connor, Matthew Davies, Anna Dobson, Natasha Gill, Kasha Gregson, Keely Haigh, Terry Hardacre, Kathryn Hargreaves, Christopher Heap, Steven Hetherington, Cara Hudson, David Johnson, Christopher Kenyon.

Sarah Lucas, Dominic Masih, Ian McGee, Hayley McNamara, Niamh Mulligan, Liam Parker, Paul Redmond, Charlaine Richards, Joseph Riley, Rachel Riley, James Rush, Gemma Rushworth, Hayley Sanderson, Rachel Simpson, Andrew Smith, Leon Stobbs, Andrew Strutt.

Adele Townsend, Joseph Waller, Lisa Walsh, Jordan Watson, Luke Wetherall, Victoria Wiggan, Kate Willan and Matthew Woodward.