I WAS delighted to read the editor's comment 'Boldly going forward to a better future' (LET, July 24), which, in the main, was supporting Blackburn with Darwen Council Labour groups new strategy.

I was beginning to get a little concerned at the constant and repetitive slagging-off that the Labour group was getting in your newspaper from the doubters, critics and armchair windbags.

I have read Coun Malcolm Doherty's vision of a brighter future for the people of Blackburn and Darwen and, in my opinion, it is the most uplifting and comprehensive strategy that has come out of any local political group, ever and, above all, it's user-friendly.

So, come on, let's all pull together and make sure it works -- for all our sakes.

EDDIE DUXBURY, Arthur Way, Blackburn.