YOUNGSTERS are having a busy time in a Blackburn summer literacy school.

Witton Park High School is running its third event of this type, for pupils about to move into Year 7, and is again making use of our NIE Super Story Search literacy resource.

"Pupils are really enjoying the newspaper reading project," said teacher Margret Power.

"The fact that reports mention places familiar to the children grabs their attention and spurs them on to read more.

Their vocabulary is also being extended at the same time as they are learning about local and national events and issues.

Boys in particular often turn to the back pages first but all parts of the paper are being read, including the Readers' Letters page. Parents are enthusiastic about scheme too and are pleased at their children's progress in developing reading skills. Pupils take home their workbooks and copies of the Lancashire Evening Telegraph each afternoon and have their reading achievements signed by parents, enabling them to claim reading rewards."

Witton High School's summer project, designed to help children in making the transition from primary to secondary school, has also organised visits to Bradford Museum of Film and Photography and to Wigan Pier.

The NIE Super Story Search material, including a class set of workbooks, reading rewards and three week's delivery of the Lancashire Evening Telegraph into school, can be ordered within our circulation area at any time of the year.

For details, please contact NIE Coordinator Rita Shaw, tel. 01254 678678 ext. 255, or fax 01254 680429.

Pictured: Darren Haig and Alfey Lynch using the NIE material