BLACKBURN Lions Millennium Gala last weekend was a huge success.

The weather was very kind to the thousands of people who came to Witton Park, staying fine and warm for the whole two days.

Blackburn Lions would like to say an enormous 'thank you' to the Lancashire Evening Telegraph for their major contribution in promoting the gala and for their sponsorship of events.

Secondly, we would like to thank the public for coming along. It really does make a difference to a great deal of people in the Blackburn area whether individuals, members of a charity or self-help or community-based groups or just a family that's run out of luck.

Every single penny made from the gala and, indeed, all the other events that Blackburn Lions put together throughout the year (an amount that runs into five figures) goes directly to those in need of help.

Lastly, we thank all the other sponsors and organisations for their support. It was hard work, but good fun and well worth it!

ALAN KENYON, Brownhill Road, Blackburn.