AFTER reading the article, 'Black Days for Market Traders' (Star, July 27) I had to write.

I could not believe that a council could, with one hand, give new businesses like mine help and grants with Business Link etc., and then take it from up-and-running small businesses (which, let's face it, have kept St Helens going for years) in the shape of large rental payments. To pay for what?

I set my business up more than a year ago in January, 1999 and considered setting up in the market area. However, after finding out the cost of rent, I decided not to bother which is very sad because it would be a great position for me.

But if an established businesses like The Spectacle Centre are having problems, then what chance would I have? Not much!

There are many like me who would love to set up in the market and I would be interested if things begin to change.

The council need to see what's better for the traders. Because if they don't then they will have no money at all to collect because the traders will have gone.

Yvonne Chadwick, Unisex Mobile Hairdressing, Haydock.