LITTLE Matthew Fiddler has been given a fighting chance of walking independently for the first time, thanks to the help of big-hearted Bury Times readers.

Earlier this year the paper reported how a lack of cash meant the six-year-old, who was born with cerebral palsy, might miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime chance to stand on his own two feet.

But after being touched by the article, the Peel Lions and local residents, have thrown the youngster a life-line.

This week the Lions donated £800 to help pay for the continuation of Matthew's daily treatment at a specialist centre in Liverpool.

For Matthew has little control over his arms and legs and is confined to crawling or using a walking frame. His divorced parents, Tony and Maria, have already spent more than £2,000 on the pioneering treatment on Merseyside and the youngster's response to it has been described as "remarkable". His parents run him to Liverpool, and bring him back, virtually every day.

Mrs Fiddler, who lives with Matthew on George Road, Ramsbottom, said: "The centre provides the best, and probably only chance, Matthew has to walk.

"But the money we had could only pay for the initial eight week course."

The money from Peel Lions, coupled with other local donations and Matthew's dad's own fund-raising efforts, have resulted in a huge boost for the brave child.

His mum said: "We have now got more than £4,000 and hope to be able to keep sending him for treatment for the next 12 months."

The Tottington Primary School pupil is described by his parents as a happy, independent little boy.

Mrs Fiddler said: "Matthew has made remarkable progress at the school. Although there is still a long way to go he does have a real chance of walking again."

Anybody who can help Matthew's parents with a donation or fund-raising should call 01706 825795.