I CANNOT allow the comments by the principal planning officer (Radcliffe Times, Aug 3) regarding the planning application for 145 Bury Road, to pass without comment.

As far as the evidence is concerned, let me acquaint Mr Hodkinson with the following points:

1. The original Co-op shop did not sell alcoholic drinks; 2. This Co-op did not stay open until late evening as the proposed shop intends to do; 3. It did not have a young people's club on its doorstep.

The problems which arise when alcohol and young people come together is well documented, not only in Radcliffe but nationally. In fact, a report was published last week stating that something like 40 per cent of all violent crime was alcohol-related and a large proportion of this was attributable to young people.

In view of this, does Mr Hodkinson seriously believe that an off-licence within 20 yards of a young people's club is a desirable asset for the local community?

I can assure Mr Hodkinson that the majority of local residents do not welcome it.