THE government has been very quiet over the forthcoming UN Summit between September 6-8.

It has practically been concealed from the public that national governments are being asked to sign up for over 500 Treaties that will concentrate sweeping powers into unelected hands.

Billed as the "modernisation" of the United Nations, this programme is intended to end our powers of veto in the UN Security Council, and thus our ability to stop conflict reaching global proportions.

In the flood of court cases that will result from us signing up to the "European Convention on Human Rights" isn't bad enough, international courts will be created which will drag disputes onto a global scale. As they will be run by representatives of countries like China that the UN welcomes as embers in spite of the appalling treatment of its own people, I cannot imagine that they will do much good for anyone but the fat cat administrators and lawyers.

We also face a flood of costly rules and regulations in the name of the environment, even though earlier UN theories on global warming have been discredited, and we now seem set for global cooling.

The Foreign Office has already indicated that the government will support the UN Secretary General's proposals.

Voters should demand straight answers -- and not spin or pious jargon -- on exactly what powers the government intends to give away, what costs we can become liable for and what stealth taxes we can expect if the UN is to be given its own resources.

For more information on developments, please contact me (enclosing a SAE) at: PO Box 13199, London SW6 6ZU or email

MRS ANGELA STEPHENS, Campaign Manager, New Alliance.