WHAT can you say about Atherton Flower Festival? Well, it was beautiful.

Betty Alty and her team must have put much thought in to the whole thing. The flowers and the arranging of everything was perfect.

There was a piper who played a few times and St Philip's singers, who I believe were on the radio. They were led by Mrs Helen Barker. Well done.

Those that did the floor in Joyce's tea room did a marvellous job, you couldn't believe it was the same place, so the ladies were able to serve lovely food.

It was nice to see the heritage people there too. I was on the visitors' book a few times and it was nice when friends met there.

I met someone from Canada I had not seen for 27 years. One gentleman asked about a picture of Dr Mort and his choir he had been looking for. Well, it was there on the heritage table.

It was nice to sit for a while, just looking and thinking of what can be done with all that God has given.

On Sunday evening the church was full and the singing was great. After which there was an auction of the flowers with the help of Sam Lancaster. Well done everyone.


Lambeth Street
